HT’s Building & Residence GUIDE( 麹町エイチティーズ公式サイト )をごらんいただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。
Thank you very much for visiting “HT’s Building & Residence GUIDE (Kojimachi HT’s official website)”.The building is a mix of office and residential buildings located near the lush greenery of the Imperial Palace.
With the construction of a new residence floor, the name of the building has been changed from “Kojimachi HT’s Building” to “Kojimachi HT’s”, and the display name is “Kojimachi HT’s Building & Residence”.
“Large-scale renovation work of the entire building” has been underway since December 2022
2022年12月 | 1階共用部分の「バリューアップ」工事竣工 Completion of “value up” work on the common area on the first floor. |
2023年8 月 | 1階に「休日夜間共用宅配ボックス」設置完了 Completed the installation of a “Holiday Night Shared Delivery Box” on the 1st floor. |
2023年10月 | NTT光回線導入による全館「テナント個別無料Wi-fi」設置完了 Completion of installation of “free Wi-fi for individual tenants” throughout the building due to the introduction of NTT fiber optic lines. |
2023年11月 | 全貸室に「モニター付クラウド式インターフォン設備」設置完了 Completed installation of “cloud-based intercom equipment with monitors” in all rental rooms. |
2023年11月 | 1階共用部分に「クラウド式24時間遠隔監視カメラ」設置完了 Completed installation of “cloud-based 24-hour remote surveillance camera” in the common area on the 1st floor. |
2024年2月 | 7階「レジデンスフロア共用部分リニューアル」工事竣工 7th floor “Residence Floor Common Area Renewal” construction completed. |
2024年3月 | エレベーターリニューアル工事(予定) Elevator renewal work (planned). |